
The experience of pain and suffering is a common bond that we share together as humankind.
At some time during our life we each suffer be it emotionally, physically or mentally.
What does Transitional Energy Patterns mean and why is it important to understand them?

Naturally, the challenges that are presented to you will differ to those of others, so your experiences will depend on your karmic issues along with any new conditions that you create during your residency on Earth.

Events have a way of presenting themselves to us in different guises, some may manifest internally such as psychological changes or externally in your daily situations. They may confront you in your work environment, through your relationships, maybe with your finances through physical hindrances or perhaps through various forms of mental and emotional conflicts.

You have probably realized by now that ignoring an issue or wishing that it would leave you alone or even deceiving yourself into thinking it will somehow vanish sooner or later doesn’t exactly work because at some stage it reappears in all its glory but with a different face or form. So nothing has changed, you are still being affected which means that you are still suffering.

Understandably, the Universe has a very appropriate Law, that of cause and effect, Karma, so to speak. During your life you are offered many, many opportunities to understand and resolve your karmic issues. This does not mean that you will be punished if you refuse to do anything about them because that is totally your choice and your choice alone. But, if you choose to consciously ignore problems you then must be prepared to take full responsibility for your choice. It is as simple as that.

Now, this is where Transitional Energy Patterns offer you an amazing opportunity to understand exactly what part of you is crying out for your attention and help and when you understand where the real core of your issue lays then you can begin your process towards resolving it and your real healing will begin.

This wonderful opportunity for personal insight means that you no longer need to feel frustrated or helpless because it enables you to consciously use your free will in making choices and arriving at decisions which will support your growth and development. Therefore, you can learn to use the energies of the Transits in a constructive and powerful manner that benefits your sense of well-being and freedom of spirit.

Learn to Heal Yourself